Only a poet can adequately critique/praise another poets work. I can only say I thoroughly enjoyed your Garden of Departures and I think it is a beautiful  work of art....the photographs, the poem, the musings and the rendition are very pleasing to the senses. As a passionate gardener I can relate to and have experienced what you have so beautifully penned. Every spring I wait in anticipation for the Daffodils, Tulips and Peonìes to bloom and then watch them wither and decay in no time. The words, phrases, sounds and imagery you have used to describe the 'Transient' is compelling....'of finding magic....to steal beauty even as it evaporates'. My favorite part is the end where you say....I learn to pass by....than hold on....love passionately but know the truth....and come back alive to life'. Very profound. But the most important thing as you mentioned it is understand the Truth and live it.

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What can I say! Thank you so much for your careful - and sensitive - reading of my poem. It truly fills my heart to connect so closely with another's thoughts and feelings. We all write with what we see and feel in the world. It's a benediction when the poem echoes and comes back to us from someone who completely resonates with what you saw and felt. Thank you again...

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Such beautiful words, thoughts and images...energising yet evanescent.

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Thank you so so much for spending times on my labour of love!

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Couldn't help when I absorb what this means:"I come back from every walk alive to life because I have experienced the truth of departures." Profound.

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