We will probably find solace in the walk.
Mornings have a way of embracing without questions.
That’s why we keep returning to it
in spite of our bruising nights.
We walk under boughs heavy with fragrance,
petals touching our cheeks with infinitesimal tenderness,
and think back to how meaningless was what we’d said.
In a universe of a million possibilities, we could be a certainty,
but we suffered our uncertain inequities.
We should have found tenderness like kittens venturing into the world -
with fright and wonder
and the ability to believe.
Alas, we stopped at our conceptions
of each other.
How much we still craved for each other’s sun -
much more than the one flooding our patio.
Such is the nature of belonging,
which has nothing to do with accepting
and only seeks belief.
One day, we will both forget,
what we were not able to every day,
and look at each other
as just about the only familiarity worth treasuring.
And in that bond, forged out of forbearance of years
- hang on! hang on! -
we will finally find the serenity
we always seeked in each other.
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They say “The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go.” In that one coruscating truth lies the crux of relationships. The question then is not of doubts or misgivings or dwindling love, but it is - have you given yourselves enough time? In that one question lies an irrevocable truth - things take no time to unravel but take time to settle.
You have to keep examining, you have to keep asking. Why did this happen? Why did you do this? Why don't you care? Why did you hurt me? Why do you believe this about me? The answers would be unsatisfactory, they will be evasive, but though they might not bring clarity to you, they will make the other think. And they will understand why you hurt, where you hurt. The shrapnels will be blunted.
At the same time, you are embracing your own strengths, the preciousness that you bring, the value of what you are, and it nullifies when others attempt to make you think less of yourself .
You will not like everything, but you will understand a few things. You will be able to cut through the fluff of your own misconceptions, and theirs, to understand the truth of what makes relationships work.
Hear the poem, embellished with wonderful music!
Sir, this is so beautifully worded!!!
Just how do you articulate my thoughts? Very poignantly and succinctly expressed Sunil