It’s a mark of love
when you say yes,
whatever be the season.
However much you might know,
nothing ever prepares you
for the heights or the depths
of the world beyond the new door.
You will still have wings, though
the flight will frighten you,
and you will hold on, as you are not alone,
till you know that soaring is easy but
never a habit.
You feel everything you ever desired
will fall into place in strange ways,
asking you to to carry your past
as you greet the unknown.
Till you know, true love is never a test
and you can use it as a bed
when your wings get tired.
Then, finally, you are of the earth,
without any need to be known,
happy to be an address for each other.
My son got married a few days back to his sweetheart. Both of them make an adorable couple.
As always I’m in awe of people in love who decide to marry each other. I know the atavistic urges and the reasons why we seek to gravitate towards a permanence in our deepest relationships, but I also know how the shelters of each other’s arms is ever so often open to storms and thunder. Roofs leak, houses get blown away. The reason why we marry could also be the reason we suffer.
But from time immemorial, marriage has been found to be a risk worth taking. Embedded in its imperfections, it’s scars, it’s lesions, are it’s flights.
But then, love always starts as an adventure, but finally seeks rest. And that takes time. And patience.
Like everything good, there is much which needs to be transversed, to be taken cognisance of - and forgotten. I sometimes feel sagas of love would do better with poor memories.
Do relationships get better with time? Do they eventually find plateaus of calm? What is the mystery of the alchemy which makes two different people find their peace together?
For me it’s - space and an ear.
Whatever is a couple’s decision on the most minute of things, it has to transverse a conversation, which has more listening then talking. We should never have a problem with a differing view - we grow as persons because of people who do not agree with us, but who have listened deeply and are also ready to change because of us.
Life is a cornucopia of choices. To restrict it to only our own world view is to asphyxiate our very soul. To love a person is to love their differences, to let them enlarge our worlds, to help let us find meaning in every part of our separateness.
That’s why, whenever I wish for love I wish for disparities (for the adventure) and kindness (for the good sleep). I doubt if love would demand any other generosity than this.
Read the companion piece to this, where I first spoke of the wedding!!
Congratulations once again to the young couple that has stepped into the complicated yet beautiful world of marriage! You have described life after marriage so realistically at the same time giving the right advice for a perfect one! But i wonder, whether love comes before or after -- is any marriage truly perfect? Is marriage an overrated institution? Or is it required to give children a stable home? Or is it merely that you have a companion in your later years of life, when your activities have lessened, you have slowed down and need that someone to play a game with / watch a movie with/ have a drink with every evening ....
Space... and a ear. Excellent. How wise can you be?